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We are currently the 1st Grade wine cooperative in Catalonia and we have more than 700 active partners who care for around 2 000 Ha. It is divided into more than 50 rural areas of Penedès.

In the early 1960s, Penedesencian farmers had few options to make way for the harvest. For the farmer, the best marketing system of the harvest was through cooperatives.

Covides' aim was to create a cooperative that could serve to output production to its partners and generate added value to the harvest by making and marketing wine.

Covides Vinyes – Cellers was founded in 1963, as a result of the desire of more than 650 wine growers who decided to produce the wine from their harvest together in a professional manner and with their own personality.

In the last 20 years, a major stake was placed in the external market, exporting over 50 countries from 5 continents.

As a result, we renovated our facilities to modernise them with the most advanced technologies, and a new cava was built.

With wineries with great capacity and potential, adding to the work of the professionals in oenology and the wine-growing team working side by side with the partners, we managed to get the best result from the grape of the best quality.